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Join Dr. Tony D’Amato, of the University of Vermont, and Ethan Tapper, the Chittenden County
Forester, for a free, public walk focusing on how to take care of our forests in a changing climate!

The walk will take place at the Catamount Community Forest (CCF) in Williston, on the site of a
forest management project scheduled to begin in August, 2023. The forest management project at
the CCF will be part of a nation-wide collaborative effort called “Adaptive Silviculture for Climate
Change (ASCC)” — a network of research and demonstration sites designed to learn more about
how to manage forests in a changing climate. Learn more about ASCC here:

At the same time, the project at the CCF will showcase responsible forest management for climate
resilience and adaptability, renewable resources, wildlife habitat, biodiversity and more.
Interpretive educational signage has been installed throughout the project area, and there will be
numerous walks, talks, events and opportunities for the public to learn more about the project in
the coming year.

Dr. D’Amato has been the chair of the University of Vermont’s Forestry program since 2016. He has
coauthored well over 100 peer-reviewed articles and is co-author of Ecological Silviculture:
Foundations and Applications. Among other objectives, his research focuses on understanding both
natural and managed forest systems, and how to manage forests in a responsible way in light of
changing global conditions and societal objectives.

Ethan Tapper is the Chittenden County Forester for the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and
Recreation. Learn more about Ethan’s work at https://linktr.ee/ChittendenCountyForester

To join the walk, meet at the Catamount Family Outdoor Center parking lot at 592 Governor
Chittenden Road, Williston. Be prepared to walk about 1 mile on gravel trails and potentially
uneven terrain, rain or shine.

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