The Catamount Outdoor Family Center (Catamount OFC) operates on the Catamount Community Forest (CCF) which is a Town of Williston Forest. As a License Holder with the town, Catamount OFC has a specific event and visit process we must comply with.
If you represent a business, organization, educational institution or large group and wish to bring clients, programs, students or groups to the Catamount OFC, we encourage you to reach out to us well in advance. Our team is eager to assist you in making your visit possible and identifying any necessary steps (applications, fees, and/or permits) to ensure a smooth and enjoyable time during your visit. Please contact us directly to start planning your experience at Catamount OFC.
Identify your Event or Visit type using the flowchart below. Contact us and tell us about what you hope to offer:
- Email
- Include event or visit description, goals, size, and ideal date(s) and timeframe, if possible.
- Be ready to schedule a meeting, call, or visit to continue planning.
*Please review the Large Event Timeline below for all events that exceed 50 people* -TEP Level events must be submitted to the Town of Williston, at minimum, 2 months in advance of the event date.
We ask for minimum 1 weeks advanced notice for Group Visits but more time is always appreciated for planning and COI turnaround.

Be ready to submit the following with your Event or Visit application:
- COI’s (Certificate of Liability Insurance) listing both the Town of Williston & the Catamount Outdoor Family Center as Additionally Insured.
- S3 From (if tax exempt)
- Possible Admin Fee or Event Deposit
Depending on the nature of your visit, you may be asked to submit additional items, including but not limited to:
- COFC Fee Check List
- Site map
- Schedule for the event
- Final Contract
For folks looking to visit multiple times a season or year round, we charge an admin deposit to hold those listed dates. If the entity bringing the group is utilizing additional Catamount resources (rentals, fire, indoor space, or other facilities) then additional fees would be accrued. We provide special group and educational rates, so it is advantageous to contact us early to secure the best pricing.

COFC Parking Message
Catamount OFC main parking lot can hold ~75 vehicles. We are have access to an overflow lot with enough advanced notice. Parking is also allowed along the North Side of Governor Chittenden Road. Catamount OFC asks that any event that will fill our main lot has the following parking accommodations in place:
- Minimum of 2 parking attendants to park vehicles efficiently and direct others to overflow parking options. Must maintain Emergency Vehicle Access by only allowing parking on the Northside of Governor Chittenden Rd.
- Messaging to participants must include verbiage about carpooling if possible.
Recent events:
- RTF Fat Bike Rally
- Spring Launch Party
- VTYC Scrimmage
- ECCC Bermie Senders
- GMCX 2023
- FOTW Spoketacular
- RUTFest 2023