Register for the 6pm Telescope program here!

Program Registration- Telescopes (6pm)

Program Registration

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Contact Details

We only have seating for 2-3 people per kit. However, if you are comfortable working while standing or on the floor, more people can join.
Please list the first name of each person you will be working on your telescope kit with and their ages. The cost is $60 per telescope kit, not per person. If you wish to work on more than one telescope, please list all names here and select the number of telescope kits you will need on the next page.

Outta This World Family Fun Night!

This program is designed for families to work on crafting their own telescope together paired with a star gazing activity after the construction. Folks can work independently or as a family but the cost will remain $60 per telescope. If you want more than 1 kit, please submit this form again so we man mange our capacity limits.


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