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Mud season is nearly over, and we want to celebrate!

Join us at Catamount and celebrate the seasons start with Fellowship of the Wheel (FOTW) and the Vermont Mountain Bike Association (VMBA)! A whole host of our community partners and race sponsors will be there with goodies and treats, stay tuned for a complete list.

We will start the day off with a kids’ self guided nature hunt and/or story walk. At 10:30am we will host bike limbo!

Adults and families are invited to join us for beginner, intermediate, and advanced group rides throughout the day at 11am, 12pm and 1pm. This will be a great way to learn the trails at Catamount or dust off the skills.

Join us at the vendor city in the main field, where we’ll have demos, swag, and so much more for you to check out. Don’t forget to grab a bite to eat (optional donation) before or after your ride while supplies last. Food will be first come first serve starting at 11:30am.

Are you a COFC race series participant? Pick up your racer packet at our hub!
Not a series participant yet? Take advantage of 20% off the Weekly Race Series entry fee at this event!

Are you a VMBA Member with FOTW and COFC added to your Membership? Be sure you stop by the VMBA tent to enter a free raffle with prizes from Cabot Cheese, VMBA, and COFC.

If you’re not a COFC Member, you will need to purchase a day pass or add COFC to your VMBA Membership. VMBA Members can use the COFC Member Benefit for “[34] Free Fat Bike or MTB Day Pass*”

Membership/Pass Prices:

  • VMBA Individual Membership with FOTW – $60
  • Catamount Outdoor Family Center add-on: $30
  • Catamount Outdoor Family Center day pass:  $10.00/adults; $5/youth (5 and under are free)

Whose going to be there?

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